Are motor neurons in the brain that have a role in controlling movement. These neurons are activated when a specific movement or action is observed in others and when that same movement or action is acted upon. For example a mirror neuronal system that fires when you raise your hand, is also activated when you see a person raise their hand.
Brief History
- 1980's- Dr. Rizzollati first observed mirror neurons in macaque monkeys
- 1990's- Mirror neurons were officially discovered by Dr. Rizzollati
- 1995- The first study on mirror neurons was conducted on humans
- present- studies on mirror neurons involve the use of neuro-imaging techniques such as functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) to better understand how the brain functions.
Winerman, L. (2005, October 1). The mind's mirror. Retrieved January 17, 2015, from
Davila, J. (n.d.). Neuronas Especulares ("Mirror Neurons"). Retrieved January 14, 2015, from