Friday, August 28, 2015

My neuron mirrors your neuron!

Mirror Neurons play a huge role in todays society. But they have also been the driving force of evolution. Mirror neurons seem to have contributed and continue to contribute towards the evolution of humanity, because they have helped improve both physical and verbal language, intelligence through nurture, and our social development. For example, at an early age, infants, children and youth look at the actions of their older peers within their community and learn from their actions; they learn their expressions, language, culture, religion, etc.   They tend to learn from the experiences of others: whether negative or positive.  For decades, language as it began with the use of signs and gestures in our primitive ancestors, were then taught to younger generations who were also the future; they learned by exposure as they mimicked behaviors.  In order for learning to occur quickly, the mirror system in the brain needed to adapt rapidly so that this knowledge could be retained through repetition and practice.  This could mean that the mirror system must have been activated every single time an individual was exposed to or practiced the language within their immediate family/community.  In the early years, our primitive ancestors used non verbal signs and gestures, and emotion recognition in facial expressions of other individuals must have been crucial in order to understand when an individual was in pain, dissatisfied, or happy.  Therefore, the mirror system could have facilitated our capability to emphasize with others during times of pain and fear but also happiness. In comparison, during war, it must have been important to understand other individuals intentions; being able to observe others gestures and body languages allowed our ancestors to quickly understand and make predictions for safety. Tool and art making were very important in communicating and in the evolution of our primitive ancestors, because it allowed them to socialize with other members as well as to hunt for food.  The mirror system could have played an important role in the ability of our primitive ancestors to learn quickly the processes of making these artifacts, but most importantly learn their use. 

On a regular basis, we seem to be easily influenced by individuals who share our same goals, beliefs, language, culture, and background.  We see our selves as a reflection of them because of the similarities; they are the mirror.  They are considered to be our mentors and leaders as we look up to them for the courage that we wish to have. But unfortunately, we are also influenced by the media in negative ways, for example, wishing to have the physical characteristics of models or celebrities, wishing to have the riches of others and therefore becoming unsatisfied with our life. We find our selves mimicking the actions of those who we are exposed to on a regular basis by the media. 

Oxytocin for Autism and Social Anxiety. (2014, June 10). Retrieved February 14, 2015, from
Knowledgemonivore. Mirror neurons (2010, March 24).  Retrieved August 28, 2015, from
Pedersen, C., Chang, S., & Williams, C. (2014). Evolutionary perspectives on the role of oxytocin in human social behavior, social cognition, and psychopathology. Brain Research, 1580(2014), 1-7. Retrieved February 14, 2015, from

Hormones. (2013, March 11). Retrieved February 14, 2015, from